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Process Data set: CEM I 42,5 R Chelm (en) en

Key Data Set Information
Reference year 2023
CEM I 42,5 R Chelm
Technical purpose of product or process Cement is a hydraulic binder, which means, a finely ground inorganic material which, when mixed with water, forms a mass, which sets and hardens as a result of the reactions and hydration processes, maintaining strength and durability even under water after hardening. The cement according to the EN 197-1 standard is called CEM cement, properly measured and mixed with the aggregate and water, it should form concrete or mortar that retains workability for a sufficiently long time, and after a specified time should obtain a certain level of strength, and should maintain long-term stability of the volume. The CEM cements are made of different materials, but are statistically homogeneous in composition by quality assurance in the production and material handling processes. One of the main components of the cement is the Portland cement. For its production, calcareous materials (for example, limestone, chalk) and other natural or waste materials are used, correcting the proportion of the silicates and aluminates, such as: clay, sand, fly ash, iron-bearing additives or slag from the steel industry. All of these materials are crushed, homogenised and introduced into a rotary kiln where they are sintered at 1450°C. In CEMEX Poland the clinker is produced in two plants (Chelm, Rudniki). The main fuels used in the clinker firing process are alternative waste-derived fuels. Year by year, the share of the alternative fuels is gradually increasing, while the use of fossil fuels is decreasing. Among alternative fuels, there is the biomass for which the carbon footprint is zero. The amount of the CO2 calculated in accordance with the European regulations for monitoring the production of the CO2 for the plant in Rudniki in connection with the production of the clinker is 712 kg of the CO2/Mg of clinker, and in Chelm 759 kg of the CO2/Mg of clinker. Cement is produced by the joint grinding of the main components of the cement (for example, clinker, fly ash, blast furnace slag) with secondary components, setting time adjuster and other additives. CEMEX Polska produces cement in three plants (Chelm, Gdynia, Rudniki). The energy consumption for the cement milling in Poland averages 48.1 kWh/tonne. The product phase (A1-A3, see Table 3) and the following processes/modules were taken into account in the LCA analysis: A1 – the production of raw materials: fuel extraction, raw material extraction, electricity production, alternative fuel production, A2 – the transport: transport of raw materials; A3 – the production of a product: production of raw meal, fuel consumption for firing, consumption of the electricity for grinding.
General comment on data set The values determined to calculate A3 originate from verified CEMEX Poland LCI inventory data. A1 values (raw materials) were prepared considering specific national EPDs, Ecoinvent data and economic allocation (for a steel and energy products - gypsum, slag and ash). The background data for the processes come from the following databases: Ecoinvent v.3.8 (sand, water, wind electricity production for Poland, transport), specific emission reporting data for clinker production by CEMEX Poland, specific EPDs for a raw material (sand, gypsum, limestone, FGD Gypsum, additives), allocated impacts for ash and slag production calculated by ITB, KOBiZE (combustion factors for selected fuels). Electricity provider PGE guarantees a certificate of origin of 100% renewable electricity used by CEMEX plants. Specific (LCI) data quality analysis was a part of audit. The time related quality of the data used is valid (5 years). The allocation rules used for this EPD are based on general ITB PCR A. Production of CEM I is a line process in an manufacturing plants located in Rudniki, Chelm and Gdynia. CEM I from the three locations was calculated as the weighted average volume (mass based) of CEM I 42,5 production by CEMEX in Poland. CEM I 42,5 is not the only CEM product and the allocation in the manufacturing plants was made on the mass basis allocation. For a synthetic gypsum, allocated impacts are economic based but plain gypsum waste (a value=0) are neglected in the cement LCA due to its very low impact. Minimum 99.5% of impacts from the production lines were allocated to the product covered by this declaration. Energy supply (gas and electricity) was inventoried and allocated to the product assessed on the mass basis. 99.5% of the consumed materials and 100% energy consumption was inventoried in factory and were included in calculation. In the assessment, all significant parameters from gathered production data are considered, i.e. all raw material used per formulation, utilized energy, and electric power consumption, direct production waste, and available emission measurements. The following processes were excluded from the LCA study: use of chromate reducing agents (total mass < 0.2% of cements), use of grinding balls. The total of neglected input flows per module A1-A3 does not exceed the permitted maximum of 1% of energy usage and mass. Tires consumption for transport was not taken into account. Pre components, dyes, foils, papers, labels, tapes with a percentage share of less than 0.1% were not included in the calculations. It is assumed that the total sum of omitted processes does not exceed 1% of all impact categories. In accordance with EN 15804 machines and facilities (capital goods) required for and during production are excluded, as is transportation of employees.
Copyright Yes
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Biogenic carbon content
  • Carbon content (biogenic): 1.0 kg
  • Carbon content (biogenic) - packaging: 1.0 kg
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2028
Technological representativeness

Indicators of life cycle

IndicatorDirectionUnit Production
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1.05E+3
  • 0
  • 0
  • 4E+2
  • 76.5
  • 2504
  • 1201
  • 8.43
  • 0.0067
  • 13.5
  • 0
  • 0
  • 9.19
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0

IndicatorUnit Production
Abiotic depletion potential - fossil resources (ADPF)
No records found.
Abiotic depletion potential - non-fossil resources (ADPE)
No records found.
Acidification potential, Accumulated Exceedance (AP)
  • 0.421
Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer (ODP)
  • 0.000034
Eutrophication potential - freshwater (EP-freshwater)
No records found.
Eutrophication potential - marine (EP-marine)
No records found.
Eutrophication potential - terrestrial (EP-terrestrial)
No records found.
Global Warming Potential - biogenic (GWP-biogenic)
No records found.
Global Warming Potential - fossil fuels (GWP-fossil)
No records found.
Global Warming Potential - land use and land use change (GWP-luluc)
No records found.
Global Warming Potential - total (GWP-total)
No records found.
Global warming potential except emissions and uptake of biogenic carbon (GWP-IOBC/GHG)
No records found.
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP)
  • 0.285
Water (user) deprivation potential (WDP)
No records found.

IndicatorUnit Production
1This impact category deals mainly with the eventual impact of low dose ionizing radiation on human health of the nuclear fuel cycle. It does not consider effects due to possible nuclear accidents, occupational exposure nor due to radioactive waste disposal in underground facilities. Potential ionizing radiation from the soil, from radon and from some construction materials is also not measured by this indicator.
2The results of this environmental impact indicator shall be used with care as the uncertainties on these results are high or as there is limited experiences with the indicator.
Potential Comparative Toxic Unit for ecosystems (ETP-fw) 2
No records found.
Potential Comparative Toxic Unit for humans - cancer effects (HTP-c) 2
No records found.
Potential Comparative Toxic Unit for humans - non-cancer effects (HTP-nc) 2
No records found.
Potential Human exposure efficiency relative to U235 (IRP) 1
No records found.
Potential Soil quality index (SQP) 2
No records found.
Potential incidence of disease due to PM emissions (PM) 2
No records found.