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Instytut Techniki Budowlanej
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Data set: DiMa STEEL STRUCTURES (00.03.000)
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DiMa STEEL STRUCTURES - 1.0 * 1000.0 kg (Mass)
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Use advice for data set
The life cycle analysis of the declared products covers “Product Stage” A1-A3, C1-C4+D modules in accordance with EN 15804 and ITB PCR A (cradle to gate with options). Energy and water consumption, emissions as well as information on generated wastes were inventoried and were included in the calculation. It can be assumed that the total sum of omitted processes does not exceed 5% of all impact categories. In accordance with EN 15804+A2, machines and facilities (capital goods) required for the production as well as transportation of employees were not included in LCA.
Data set use approval
General comment
The data selected for LCA originate from ITB-LCI questionnaires completed by DiMa Sp. z o.o.. and verified.No data collected is older than five years and no generic datasets used are older than ten years. The representativeness, completeness, reliability, and consistency is judged as good. The background data for the processes come from the following resources database Ecoinvent v.3.10 and specific suppliers (EPDs for steel). Specific (LCI) data quality analysis was a part of the input data verification. The allocation rules used for this EPD are based on general ITB’s document PCR A. In the aggregated module A1-A3, material losses in the assembly of the products in the factory are defined on the averaged specific values for the site. Input and output data from the production is inventoried and allocated to the production on the mass basis. The declaration covers a wide range of steel structural products. Their production resources and processing stages are basicly similar, so it is possible to average the production by product weigh so production is averaged for all products. Avoided burden approach is applied in the use of recycled and/or secondary raw materials, as well as loads and benefits beyond the system boundary from material recycling. No loads and benefits beyond the system boundary from energy recovery from the end of life of the product or packaging is included. In the assessment, all available data from production have been considered, i.e. all raw materials/elements used as per assembly process, utilized thermal energy, and electric power consumption. Thus material and energy flows contributing less than 1 % of mass or energy have been considered. It can be assumed that the total sum of neglected processes does not exceed 5 % of energy usage and mass per module A, B, C or D. Machines and facilities required during production are neglected. The production of etiquettes, tape and glue was also not considered.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
No records found.
Completeness of product model
No statement
Independent external review by
Michal Piasecki
License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Access information
Owner of data set
DiMa Sp. z o.o. Poland
Technical purpose
EPD covers steel structures in execution classes from the lowest EXC1 to the highest EXC4 according to EN 1090-2. Maximum dimensions of manufactured structures: 8x8x50m. Maximum weight of shipping item: 50 tons. The structures are made of hot-formed and cold-bent open sections, hot-formed and cold-bent closed profiles and bars. Types of manufactured structural elements: beams, columns, bracing items, anchors. DiMa Sp. z o.o. produces structures that are components of stairs, balconies, welded steel elements for road and bridge infrastructure, structures for the machinery, chemical and energy industries, commercial and office buildings. Steel semi-finished products used for the manufacturing of the steel structures have steel rade from S235 up to S500 and originate from various steel mills (EAF and BOF). Component - Contribution (mass based) Steel - 96% Ancillary materials (i.a. welding wire, gases) - 4% Anticorrosive coverings/paint - <1%
Input Products
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Compliance systems
EN 15804+A2 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
ISO 14025 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
ISO 21930 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
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Process is not registered in any registry
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