General comment The data for the calculation of modules A1-A4 came from verified LCI inventory data from the plant. In accordance with Annex E of EN 15804 + A2, a data quality assessment was carried out. For technical representativeness, processes with a quality level of "very good" represent 99% of the values for the climate change indicators. For geographical and temporal representativeness, a process evaluation level of "very good" was obtained.
The allocation in this study was made in accordance with ITB PCR A guidelines. The production and storage of the products covered in this declaration takes place at the Copal production plant in Trzcianka. Input data and emissions were collected for the production facility. All inputs from raw material extraction are allocated in module A1. Production of products is based on raw materials. 100% of the receipts from the production lines have been inventoried and allocated to the production of products. Module A2 contains the transport of raw materials from Polish distributors to the factory in Trzcianka. The utilities for the entire production process were inventoried and included in module A3.
100% of input materials and 100% of media consumption were inventoried at the Trzcianka production plant. All relevant parameters from the collected production data are included in the assessment, i.e. all materials used in production, electricity, water, natural gas, diesel and fuel consumption and direct air emissions.