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Data set: Bohflam Fire Resistant Glass (00.03.001)

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Full name
Bohflam Fire Resistant Glass
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General comment
The values determined to calculate A3 originate from verified Progress LCI inventory data A1 values were prepared considering specific and generic EPDs for the European made glass products . The background data for the secondary inputs come from the Ecoinvent v.3.7 and 3.8 data base. The alocation rules used for this EPD are based on general ITB PCR A. Production of Bohfalm products is the line process located in Ciele plant (Poland). Allocation was done on product mass basis. The impacts from raw materials extraction and processing are allocated in A1 module of the EPD (including input materials, and energy consumption, transportation, emissions and wastes resulting from the production of glass All company data collected, i.e. all commodities/input and raw materials used, the thermal energy, the electricity consumption and all results of the available emission measurements from the plants were taken into consideration. Minimum 99% of impacts from line production were inventoried and allocated to Bohfalm production. Municipal waste, emissions and waste and energy supply was inventoried for whole production process. Energy supply (gas and was inventoried for whole factory and in a adequate mass based way was allocated to the products assessed. Emissions in the factory are assessed using national KOBiZE emission factors for energy carriers. Data gaps were either filled with comparable data or conservative assumptions, or the data were cut off in compliance with the 1% rule. 99.9 of input materials and 100 % energy consumption (electricity, gas) was inventoried in factory and were included in calculation. In the assessment, all significant parameters from gathered production data are considered, i.e. all material used per formulation, utilized thermal energy and electric power consumption, direct production waste, and available emission measurements. Tires consumption for transport was not taken into account. Ancillary items, precomponents with a percentage share of less than 0.1 % were not included in the calculations. It is assumed that the total sum of omitted processes does not exceed 1 % of all impact categories. In accordance with EN 15804 machines and facilities (capital goods) required for and during production are excluded, as is transportation of employees. Packaging is included.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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Completeness of product model
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License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Owner of data set
Technical purpose
BOHAMET is a recognised manufacturer in the glass industries. Manufacturing plant is located in Ciele (Poland). Within the glass production portfolio covers the following sectors: fire resistant glass, automotive glass, bullet proof glass, heated glass, EMI shielding glass. Bohflam Fire Resistant Glass covered by this EPD is available in the following classes: EI30, EI60, EI90, E120. Bohflam products covered by this EPD are multilayer glass in which the panes of toughened float glass are connected by intermediate layers made of silica gel with the properties of expanding under the influence of high temperature. During a fire (at a temperature of 120°C), these layers expand, creating a hard, opaque coating that provides temporary protection against fire. Float glass used is a clear, flat soda lime silicate glass with parallel, fire polished surface. Toughened glass consists of a pane that has been specially heat treated to give the glass increased impact resistance. If the glass breaks under exposure to a high load, it disintegrates into very small fragments without forming sharp edges. Technical data for Bohflam products are available at manufacturer web site.
Input Products
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Compliance systems
  • EN 15804 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 14025 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
  • ISO 21930 (Overall compliance: Fully compliant)
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Process is not registered in any registry
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