General comment The data selected for LCA originate from ITB-LCI questionnaires completed by FINAL S.A. and verified during data audit. No data collected is older than five years and no generic datasets used are older than ten years. The representativeness, completeness, reliability, and consistency is judged as good. The background data for the processes come from the following resources database Ecoinvent v.3.9.1 (aluminium (partly), sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, cleaning consumables, ammonia, soda ash, packaging film, structural timber, carton, paper, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene) and specific Epds for aluminium input material. Specific (LCI) data quality analysis was a part of the input data verification. Where no background data was available, data gaps were complemented by manufacturer information and literature research.
The allocation rules used for this EPD are based on general ITB’s document PCR A (2023). Production of the covered aluminium products is a line process (as presented in Figure 2) conducted in the 3 manufacturing plants located in Dabrowa Górnicza, Herby and Kuchary (Poland). Input and output data from the production is inventoried and allocated to the production on the mass basis. The declaration covers a wide range of aluminium products. Their production resources and processing stages are basicly similar, so it is possible to average the production by product weight. A weighted average of 3 plants was used to calculate the environmental footprint of products.
Minimum 99.0% input materials and 100% energy consumption (electricity, gas, LPG, other) were inventoried in a processing plants and were included in the calculation. In the assessment, all significant parameters from gathered production data are considered, i.e. all material used per formulation, utilized thermal energy, and electric power consumption, direct production waste and available emission measurements. Tires consumption for transport was not considered. Substances with a percentage share of less than 0.1% of total mass were excluded from the calculations. The packaging products (wooden pallets) are included. Packing assessment were icnluded.